quinoa 是 什么
Quinoa contains higher amounts of protein compared to true grains. Chenopodium quinoa quinol中文翻译 封苯二酚.
C A K E 健康餐healthy Meals藜麥薏米沙拉organic Quinoa Amp Pearl Barley Salad 7 06 2014 Organic Quinoa Barley Salad Pearl Barley Salad
例句Your kitchen is not complete without highly nutritious quinoa.
. However it is not a true grain. Quinoa is a plant. 以上是精品学习吧提供的quinoa是什么意思的翻译解释 quinoa的例句 There is a quinoa broccoli casserole in the fridge.
藜麦是一种无麸质种子可以很好地替代大米和其他谷物藜麦发音为 KEEN-wah仍然是所有人都在谈论的话题我们所到之处都有藜麦沙拉藜麦炒饭现在甚至还有藜麦蛋白奶昔但是藜麦何时以及为何如此受欢迎是什么让这种低碳水化合物大米替代品在营养界如此无价尽管已经过去了这么. Red and white quinoa contain a similar amount of calories protein carbohydrates vitamins and minerals although red quinoa has more antioxidants. It is a pseudocereal rather than a true cereal or grain as it is not a member of the true grass family.
以上来源于Wikipedia 学习怎么用 双语例句 用作名词 n Quinoa brings a lot to. Mixed in some quinoa for a sustainable carb. This article will cover all the differences between the two quinoas starting with a side-by-side nutrient comparison.
Red quinoa is colored red while white quinoa is colored an off white. The seed of quinoa is eaten like a grain like wheat. 植物植物学昆诺阿藜 Chenopodium quinoa 产于安第斯山脉地区印第安人种之以食其粟.
奎奴亚藜产于安第斯山脉地区印第安人种植食用其粟 英英释义 Quinoa Quinoa or from a species of goosefoot Chenopodium is a grain-like crop grown primarily for its edible seeds. Quinoa mushroom balls are coming with me for they have not betrayed me. 藜读音lí麦 学名Chenopodium quinoa Willd原产于南美洲安第斯山区是印加土著居民的主要传统食物有5000-7000多年的食用和种植历史由于其具有独特的丰富全面的营养价值其养育了印加民族古代印加人称之为粮食之母 藜麦种子颜色主要有白黑红等几种颜色系营养成分.
藜麦藜麦 有助于减少食欲并含有许多纤维和蛋白质 But quinoa is known as a pseudocereal because its cooked 但是 藜麦 被称为假谷类因为它像谷类一样煮熟和食用并且具有相似的营养成分 In that regard they expressed their commitment to promote the cultivation of quinoa to fight. Quinoa helps reduce appetite and contains many fibers and proteins.
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